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Unique personalized FREE link shortener - no registration, no payment. Just use it.

Choose a short, easy to remember word or generate a random combination of letters. Provide the destination. No registration needed!

Be aware that your trial shortener expires in 24 hours since created. In order to keep it and to have a lot of extra services, please create an account.

Just name it

Choose your own meaningful word or easy-to-remember code. Define as many aliases or synonyms as you want. Random keys are available also, but how about /6MagicTricks/ instead of

Manage your traffic

Following the rules, defined by you, the same link can have different destinations for different devices (phones or computers), user locations, locales (language or timezone), origins (websites, notifications, emails or scanned QR codes) and user history (fist time or returning users). You can define a calendar and a schedule for rotating the destinations. Check this - ... [device-based destinations]

Adaptive Marketing

The flexible Load Balancer dispatches the requests in desired proportion. 50/50? 10/20/70? No problem! Check this - ... [controlled random]
Integrate the balancer with any marketing data (e.g. sales through different ads) and the frequency of the ads will be optimized for the profit!

Dynamic Content

The rules are applicable not only to redirects, but also to the sources of the content. You can show different images or embedded elements for example, for different time of the day (local or global). Check this - ... [day of the time]